About Shiney

The AI that makes your life much easier!

Shiney isn't just a cute robot face

Just like physical robots - AI's can be trained to become extremely good at one specific thing.

For Shiney that thing is communicating with prospects and booking appointments.

Shiney is always on duty, never sleeps and never forgets to reply.
Shiney can be an unstoppable tool, that completely automates your appointment booking process.

Using AI in your business yet?

If you haven't heard about AI yet - you might live under a rock.
AI has taken the world by storm, and many are comparing its impact to the way the internet changed our world.

Let me guess - you have already thought about how you can use AI in your business.

Shiney has only has one goal - to do a lot of the boring tasks for you and make your life easier!

Heard about ChatGPT?

Heard about ChatGPT? - I bet you have.

Shiney is build on the same technology that OpenAI are using for ChatGPT.

This means that Shiney has all of the internet's articles, books and websites inside its very large robot brain.

It knows a lot about everything, and is specifically trained to know everything about your services.

In our development of the AI, we have further trained it in proven sales frameworks, in human text behavior and in advanced objection handling.

Try out Shiney yourself

Shiney is trained in handling every objection that you throw at it.

Have a quick chat yourself and see if Shiney would be a good addition to your business.

All you have to do is click below and receive an instant text message from Shiney!

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